
Friday, January 30, 2015

More Animalia!

Jan 29, 2015

We are researching animals. We are learning about where they live. We are learning about cold blooded and warm blooded animals. Insects are cold blooded. Did you know a gargoyle gecko's tail can grow back if it loses it, but all other gecko's tails do not. A sea horse is a fish not a mammal. Male sea horses get the eggs from the female and puts them in his pouch until they grow. Wolves are warm blooded animals. They can live in forests, on mountains and in the desert. They make their dens down in the ground. Also, did you know that a full grown wolf can jump higher than a one storey building?

This was written by Kamoryn and Tabby.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Animal Week

                                                                                                                   January 12 thru 16, 2015 

This week we learned about reptiles and amphibians. Reptiles lay soft shell eggs. Reptiles are also cold blooded. Amphibians have 2 lives, one in the water and one on the land. Turtles are reptiles. Frogs are amphibians. Our class made posters of Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, Arthropods and Mammals. We glued on pictures. Our groups each wrote a paragraph about their poster.

We also learned about Salmon. Alevins are the second stage of the salmon life cycle. Alevins have a yolk sack! All our eggs hatched. Once the Alevin finish their yolk sac they turn into Fry. Fry eat their own food, they no longer have their yolk sac. 

Next week we get to feed and water the geckos. We're very excited. Josie feeds the geckos, crickets. We water and feed them Gecko food. We think Tavish brought his new pet gecko to class on Monday. His name is Tim Bit! Tim Bit walked on our carpet.

Our school went on the Polar Bear run and we wore our funny hats and crazy hair too!

Review of the week by Alex & Kaylee

Friday, January 9, 2015

Animals Rule!

Jan 9, 2015

We are learning about animals this week. There are seven groups of animals. They are fish, birds, reptiles, mammals, insects, amphibians and arachnids. We are making posters of those animals. The reptile group lays eggs and has scales. Reptiles are fast and very quiet. Geckos, lizards and chameleons are reptiles. The mammals give birth to their babies. Mammals have skin or fur. Mammals drink their mom's milk. People, dolphins, hamsters are mammals.   Most birds can fly but penguins, ostriches can not fly. Birds lay eggs. Eagles, puffins, hummingbirds, ducks are types of birds. Insects have six legs, lay eggs. Horseflies, dragonflies and butterflies are insects.
By Keira and Harmin.

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