
Friday, February 6, 2015

Class Presentations

We started class presentations this week. Charlie's group went first. Adrian, Kamoryn and Sanjiya were also in Charlie's group. They presented "insects." Insects are arthropods which means they don't have an inside skeleton. A praying mantis is an arthropod.  Josie, Jamie, Riya, Logan and Alex were the second group presenting. They presented "amphibians." In the first stage, amphibians live their lives in the water with gills and tails. For the second stage, they have legs and lungs and live on the land. A mud puppy is an example of an amphibian. They're weird... They look like a fish and they can bark like a dog!

Our playgrounds were very muddy this week but we were still able to play outside on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Written by Charlie and Ava.

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